Book­marks Dump

11:41AMMay 24 2020Daniel Tompkins

Down­load your book­marks

Do you or­ga­nize book­marks in Firefox? Ex­port your book­marks to a .json file for safe-keeping!

I'll try to keep this page going with an up­dated dump of my book­marks. I used some Javascript to load the down­loaded JSON file (from Firefox), parse through it, and then styled the list with some basic CSS. Pretty cool!

Browse through troves of col­lected re­sources on the de­cen­tral­ized Web; links to new media art and artists; tons of ex­citing DIY pro­jects; aca­d­emic writing on tech­nop­o­l­i­tics, pri­vacy, and sur­veil­lance— along with all sorts of other fun goodies. Go buck-wild. ♥