Read­ing List

4:56PMJune 1 2019Daniel Tompkins

If you're in­ter­ested in a de­cen­tral­ized In­ternet, if you wonder how tech­nology in­fil­trates pol­i­tics (for better or worse), or if you're simply itching for a good read— take a look at one of the ti­tles below. You'll find a mix of the plea­sur­able and the schol­arly; but un­doubtably some­thing in­ter­esting. For my own sake I split the list up into "Reading, To Read, and Read". If you see any­thing on the list that you rec­og­nize, let me know what you thought! If you have a rec­om­men­da­tion, drop a line in the com­ments! Also take a look at my re­cent Book­marks Dump for ad­di­tional reading, tu­to­rials, en­ter­tain­ment, and other con­tent.


To Read


Never Fin­ished 🤷