Terms and Con­di­tions

11:12AMFebruary 28 2024Daniel Tompkins

These terms and con­di­tions out­line the rules and reg­u­la­tions for the use of Loosed's Web­site, lo­cated at https://​l-o-o-s-e-d.net.

By ac­cessing this web­site we as­sume you ac­cept these terms and con­di­tions. Do not con­tinue to use Loosed if you do not agree to take all of the terms and con­di­tions stated on this page.

The fol­lowing ter­mi­nology ap­plies to these Terms and Con­di­tions, Pri­vacy State­ment and Dis­claimer No­tice and all Agree­ments: "Client", "You" and "Your" refers to you, the person log on this web­site and com­pliant to the Com­pa­ny’s terms and con­di­tions. "The Com­pany", "Our­selves", "We", "Our" and "Us", refers to our Com­pany. "Party", "Par­ties", or "Us", refers to both the Client and our­selves. All terms refer to the offer, ac­cep­tance and con­sid­er­a­tion of pay­ment nec­es­sary to un­der­take the process of our as­sis­tance to the Client in the most ap­pro­priate manner for the ex­press pur­pose of meeting the Client’s needs in re­spect of pro­vi­sion of the Com­pa­ny’s stated ser­vices, in ac­cor­dance with and sub­ject to, pre­vailing law of Nether­lands. Any use of the above ter­mi­nology or other words in the sin­gular, plural, cap­i­tal­iza­tion and/​or he/​she or they, are taken as in­ter­change­able and there­fore as re­fer­ring to same.


We em­ploy the use of cookies. By ac­cessing Loosed, you agreed to use cookies in agree­ment with the Loosed's Pri­vacy Policy.

Most in­ter­ac­tive web­sites use cookies to let us re­trieve the user's de­tails for each visit. Cookies are used by our web­site to en­able the func­tion­ality of cer­tain areas to make it easier for people vis­iting our web­site. Some of our af­fil­iate/​ad­ver­tising part­ners may also use cookies.


Un­less oth­er­wise stated, Loosed and/​or its li­cen­sors own the in­tel­lec­tual prop­erty rights for all ma­te­rial on Loosed. All in­tel­lec­tual prop­erty rights are re­served. You may ac­cess this from Loosed for your own per­sonal use sub­jected to re­stric­tions set in these terms and con­di­tions.

You must not:

  • Re­pub­lish ma­te­rial from Loosed
  • Sell, rent or sub-li­cense ma­te­rial from Loosed
  • Re­pro­duce, du­pli­cate or copy ma­te­rial from Loosed
  • Re­dis­tribute con­tent from Loosed

This Agree­ment shall begin on the date hereof.

Parts of this web­site offer an op­por­tu­nity for users to post and ex­change opin­ions and in­for­ma­tion in cer­tain areas of the web­site. Loosed does not filter, edit, pub­lish or re­view Com­ments prior to their pres­ence on the web­site. Com­ments do not re­flect the views and opin­ions of Loosed, its agents and/​or af­fil­i­ates. Com­ments re­flect the views and opin­ions of the person who post their views and opin­ions. To the ex­tent per­mitted by ap­plic­able laws, Loosed shall not be li­able for the Com­ments or for any li­a­bility, dam­ages or ex­penses caused and/​or suf­fered as a re­sult of any use of and/​or posting of and/​or ap­pear­ance of the Com­ments on this web­site.

Loosed re­serves the right to mon­itor all Com­ments and to re­move any Com­ments which can be con­sid­ered in­ap­pro­priate, of­fen­sive or causes breach of these Terms and Con­di­tions.

You war­rant and rep­re­sent that:

  • You are en­ti­tled to post the Com­ments on our web­site and have all nec­es­sary li­censes and con­sents to do so
  • The Com­ments do not in­vade any in­tel­lec­tual prop­erty right, in­cluding without lim­i­ta­tion copy­right, patent or trade­mark of any third party
  • The Com­ments do not con­tain any defam­a­tory, li­belous, of­fen­sive, in­de­cent or oth­er­wise un­lawful ma­te­rial which is an in­va­sion of pri­vacy
  • The Com­ments will not be used to so­licit or pro­mote busi­ness or custom or pre­sent com­mer­cial ac­tiv­i­ties or un­lawful ac­tivity

You hereby grant Loosed a non-ex­clu­sive li­cense to use, re­pro­duce, edit and au­tho­rize others to use, re­pro­duce and edit any of your Com­ments in any and all forms, for­mats or media.

Hy­per­linking to our Con­tent

The fol­lowing or­ga­ni­za­tions may link to our Web­site without prior written ap­proval:

  • Gov­ern­ment agen­cies
  • Search en­gines
  • News or­ga­ni­za­tions
  • On­line di­rec­tory dis­trib­u­tors may link to our Web­site in the same manner as they hy­per­link to the Web­sites of other listed busi­nesses
  • System wide Ac­cred­ited Busi­nesses ex­cept so­lic­iting non-profit or­ga­ni­za­tions, charity shop­ping malls, and charity fundraising groups which may not hy­per­link to our Web site

These or­ga­ni­za­tions may link to our home page, to pub­li­ca­tions or to other Web­site in­for­ma­tion so long as the link: a is not in any way de­cep­tive; b does not falsely imply spon­sor­ship, en­dorse­ment or ap­proval of the linking party and its prod­ucts and/​or ser­vices; and c fits within the con­text of the linking par­ty's site.

We may con­sider and ap­prove other link re­quests from the fol­lowing types of or­ga­ni­za­tions:

  • com­monly-known con­sumer and/​or busi­ness in­for­ma­tion sources
  • dot.com com­mu­nity sites
  • as­so­ci­a­tions or other groups rep­re­senting char­i­ties
  • on­line di­rec­tory dis­trib­u­tors
  • in­ternet por­tals
  • ac­counting, law and con­sulting firms
  • ed­u­ca­tional in­sti­tu­tions and trade as­so­ci­a­tions

We will ap­prove link re­quests from these or­ga­ni­za­tions if we de­cide that: a the link would not make us look un­fa­vor­ably to our­selves or to our ac­cred­ited busi­nesses; b the or­ga­ni­za­tion does not have any neg­a­tive records with us; c the ben­efit to us from the vis­i­bility of the hy­per­link com­pen­sates the ab­sence of Loosed; and d the link is in the con­text of gen­eral re­source in­for­ma­tion.

These or­ga­ni­za­tions may link to our home page so long as the link: a is not in any way de­cep­tive; b does not falsely imply spon­sor­ship, en­dorse­ment or ap­proval of the linking party and its prod­ucts or ser­vices; and c fits within the con­text of the linking par­ty's site.

If you are one of the or­ga­ni­za­tions listed in para­graph 2 above and are in­ter­ested in linking to our web­site, you must in­form us by sending an e-mail to Loosed. Please in­clude your name, your or­ga­ni­za­tion name, con­tact in­for­ma­tion as well as the URL of your site, a list of any URLs from which you in­tend to link to our Web­site, and a list of the URLs on our site to which you would like to link. Wait 2-3 weeks for a re­sponse.

Ap­proved or­ga­ni­za­tions may hy­per­link to our Web­site as fol­lows:

  • By use of our cor­po­rate name
  • By use of the uni­form re­source lo­cator being linked to
  • By use of any other de­scrip­tion of our Web­site being linked to that makes sense within the con­text and format of con­tent on the linking par­ty's site

No use of Loosed's logo or other art­work will be al­lowed for linking ab­sent a trade­mark li­cense agree­ment.


Without prior ap­proval and written per­mis­sion, you may not create frames around our Web­pages that alter in any way the vi­sual pre­sen­ta­tion or ap­pear­ance of our Web­site.

Con­tent Li­a­bility

We shall not be hold re­spon­sible for any con­tent that ap­pears on your Web­site. You agree to pro­tect and de­fend us against all claims that is rising on your Web­site. No link(s) should ap­pear on any Web­site that may be in­ter­preted as li­belous, ob­scene or crim­inal, or which in­fringes, oth­er­wise vi­o­lates, or ad­vo­cates the in­fringe­ment or other vi­o­la­tion of, any third party rights.

Reser­va­tion of Rights

We re­serve the right to re­quest that you re­move all links or any par­tic­ular link to our Web­site. You ap­prove to im­me­di­ately re­move all links to our Web­site upon re­quest. We also re­serve the right to amen these terms and con­di­tions and it's linking policy at any time. By con­tin­u­ously linking to our Web­site, you agree to be bound to and follow these linking terms and con­di­tions.

If you find any link on our Web­site that is of­fen­sive for any reason, you are free to con­tact and in­form us any mo­ment. We will con­sider re­quests to re­move links but we are not ob­lig­ated to or so or to re­spond to you di­rectly.

We do not en­sure that the in­for­ma­tion on this web­site is cor­rect, we do not war­rant its com­plete­ness or ac­cu­racy; nor do we promise to en­sure that the web­site re­mains avail­able or that the ma­te­rial on the web­site is kept up to date.


To the max­imum ex­tent per­mitted by ap­plic­able law, we ex­clude all rep­re­sen­ta­tions, war­ranties and con­di­tions re­lating to our web­site and the use of this web­site. Nothing in this dis­claimer will:

  • limit or ex­clude our or your li­a­bility for death or per­sonal in­jury
  • limit or ex­clude our or your li­a­bility for fraud or fraud­u­lent mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion
  • limit any of our or your li­a­bil­i­ties in any way that is not per­mitted under ap­plic­able law
  • ex­clude any of our or your li­a­bil­i­ties that may not be ex­cluded under ap­plic­able law

The lim­i­ta­tions and pro­hi­bi­tions of li­a­bility set in this Sec­tion and else­where in this dis­claimer: a are sub­ject to the pre­ceding para­graph; and b govern all li­a­bil­i­ties arising under the dis­claimer, in­cluding li­a­bil­i­ties arising in con­tract, in tort and for breach of statu­tory duty.

As long as the web­site and the in­for­ma­tion and ser­vices on the web­site are pro­vided free of charge, we will not be li­able for any loss or damage of any na­ture.