The German word zettelkasten refers to a practice of note taking with physical "slip cards" or notecards (similar to historic library indexing systems, or a contacts Rolodex). The core value in using the notecard form factor is the flexibility to rearrange cards, enabling categorization and organization through different metadata.
Using one's zettelkasten could reveal new meanings or connections between ideas. This concept was especially popular in the 1980s, and around this time Apple's HyperCard software was released— essentially a digital "zettelkasten" and a parallel in some ways to early Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML).
Especially in the realm of software engineering, I've noticed more and more accounts of people employing unique note-taking methods, or even building custom software for the purpose of a personal knowledge base/zettelkasten/wiki.
Software engineering is a unique field because tools like version control allow programmers to accumulate and document knowledge with great care and precision. Software is also mainly built through text which allows a personal KB to contain real examples of code or configurations that could easily be copy/pasted or referenced. With this in mind, I decided to build my own knowledge base.
This is a bespoke personal wiki to hoard bookmarks, tutorials, blogs, and other Internet curiosities. The introduction contains further meta information on this KB— how I organize pages, link topics, which technologies are used, etc. If this is your first time, give it a read.
Otherwise, please click through the index below and sift through my digital treasure troves. You can also find KB pages through the site's search.