l-o-o-s-e-d ?
What is This site is meant to be an incubator for critical discourse on technology and politics— technopolitics .
Approaching my master thesis, I wanted to research the state of the Internet and media in the United States. In particular, I was interested in comparing the physical infrastructure, organization, and culture of our American Internet to the "street network", or SNET , in Cuba.
"LOOSED" began simply as a public, online platform to present the reading responses assigned in Professor Nicco Mele's class: The Internet and Political Campaigns. Although, I still hope it will grow into a more robust discussion place for exploring how our experiences online become so entangled and inseparable from our real, physical lives.
Why loosed?
As the past tense of the verb "loose"— as in, to release, or free— "loosed" ironically became a wonderful call-to-action for this project.1 I'd been using "l00sed" as my username to sign up for most of my online accounts (meant to be read as "lucid"). I had been poring over a lot of digital music and producers, and I imagined it could be my DJ name at one point.
This is Daniel Tompkins— designing and developing l-o-o-s-e-d.net
As a designer and fabrication specialist, I've worked in studios from Chicago to New York City and Pittsburgh. Much of my early professional experience draws upon my education in architecture.
The practice of rigorous visual representation and physical prototyping is ingrained in me, and still inspires me to invent and to test my ideas.
In my stint of professional design work, I have used 3D modeling and original scripts to produce to aid in the simulation and fabrication of custom installation artwork.
At Harvard's Graduate School of Design my tool-set expanded to include working with complex digital datasets. I built interactive visualizations with code, robotic mechanisms and pursued other technical learning.
At MIT's Media Lab, I also continued to learn to prototype with electronics and to code, particularly in Hiroshi Ishii's course Tangible Interfaces. In my own work, I explore the hybrid space where digital and physical media combine and interact.
In my master thesis, I presented a prototype for the proposal of a public monument resembling the nose of a rocket that would receive satellite images of Earth and project those images onto the ground below the sculpture.
Media continues to be central to my research&mdashd; in particular, I'm interested in how the physical infrastructure and organization of the Internet influences society and politics. Where I live, I've volunteered with MetaMesh non-profit to help bring free wireless Internet to communities through a network of antennas.
Through my research, writing and designs, I hope to engage people with this discourse on physical and virtual media— and to empower people to interrogate how our digital tools are changing the way we live and communicate.
Get in touch
If you'd like to become a contributing writer, organize a related project— or just start a conversation— please send me an email:
Daniel Tompkins
- Bachelor of Architecture, Cornell University
- Interned at Bridgewater Studio, Chicago
- Interned at Bednark, NYC
- Master in Design Studies, Harvard University
- Moved to Pittsburgh with my
girlfriendwife! - Worked as a designer and digital fabricator at Iontank — a company that produces new media art installations for companies.
- I did a little volunteering with the folks at Meta Mesh (now "Community Internet Solutions". They're a local non-profit that's working to bypass the ISPs by building a free and public network across the Burgh's neighborhoods.
- Got married!
- Worked as a Web developer at Shift Collaborative— websites and marketing for some incredible (and often local) businesses
- Co-taught a talented group of first-year architecture students as an adjunct faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
- Co-taught the Introduction to Computational Design course at CMU's School of Architecture
- Became a father!
- Taught another semester of first-year architecture students at CMU
- Started working for the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) as a Web Developer
- Attended DockerCon (Los Angeles, CA)
- Attended Open Source Summit North America (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
- Promoted to Systems/Software Engineer at the SEI
- Attended KubeCon (Salt Lake City, UT)
Thanks to Alicia Valencia who designed the loosed logo for our collaborative project Freego— a write-up can be found in my portfolio . It is a mashup of the Statue of Liberty's torch with the Wi-Fi symbol, which is intended to symbolize wireless/online freedom. ↩