Re­golith Lin­ux

1:00PMFebruary 4 2021Daniel Tompkins


Win­dows 95

When did you first use a com­puter? I re­member sit­ting at the corner desk in my child­hood bed­room playing De­scent II . It was prob­ably the first video game I had ever played.

The key­board con­trolled the yaw, roll, and pitch of a space­craft as you nav­i­gated through a labyrinth of sci-fi tun­nels and air­locks. You had to fend off flying ro­bots with lasers and mis­siles.

The cover of Descent II, one of the first video games I'd ever played. You navigated a spaceship through a maze of airlocks, shooting missiles and lasers at flying robots.
The cover of Descent II, one of the first video games I'd ever played. You navigated a spaceship through a maze of airlocks, shooting missiles and lasers at flying robots.

This was the early 2000's— be­fore Spo­tify, when people still owned their own music. My dad swapped dig­ital music col­lec­tions on hard-drives with his co-workers and friends. I dis­cov­ered Nir­vana, Por­tishead , and Static-X in the over­whelming (10GB+) depths of folders.

Win­dows 98

Growing up, I shared a room with one of my younger sis­ters. We had the old Win­dows 95 Compaq PC in our room be­cause my mom bought a new com­puter for work. Her's was run­ning Win­dows 98 and had dial-up In­ternet.

Even though it was off-limits at first, I still man­aged to get on­line— quite fre­quently, ac­tu­ally, once I was in­tro­duced to Neopets and Runescape by my friends.

The O.G. Runescape Logo

Win­dows XP

In high school, we re­placed the old Win­dows 95 Compaq PC in our bed­room with a Hewlett Packard. It had a whop­ping 2GB of RAM. Our local li­brary had a col­lec­tion of PC games that were sud­denly made ac­ces­sible with this new­found com­puting power.

Our li­brary had some cool PC games, and I ended up buying a 50-ft Eth­ernet cable that I draped through the kitchen and up the stairs to down­load mods for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion— and to up­date My­Space.

The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Logo

Win­dows 7

When my ap­pli­ca­tion to pursue a de­gree in ar­chi­tec­ture was ac­cepted, I was gifted an in­cred­ible Alien­ware laptop. It was a Win­dows 7 ma­chine with maxed-out specs— an i7 processor, 24GB of RAM, and a full TB of storage!

This ma­chine made for quick work while mod­eling or ren­dering in Rhi­no3D and V-Ray — and could run any video game at max set­tings. It had an HDMI-in to use as a dis­play, as well as all the RGB LEDs you could ask for.

Win­dows 10 + WSL

Most Win­dows 7 de­vices of­fered a free up­grade to Win­dows 10 when Mi­crosoft was ad­ver­tising its flag­ship re­lease. I re­sisted for a while, but even­tu­ally made the plunge. After a little de­bug­ging, the hard­ware was co­op­er­ating with its new OS.

The sharp lines, flat icons, and key­board short­cuts for snap­ping and ex­posing win­dows were all very ap­pealing. How­ever, it was around this time that I was also in­tro­duced to the Rasp­berry Pi— and, con­se­quently, the Unix ter­minal.

A friend of mine, who's daily carry was a Mac­Book Air, showed me how to nav­i­gate the ter­minal with Tmux and Vim. He also showed me the ba­sics of Web de­vel­op­ment. We started working on a pro­ject to­gether, and I in­stalled the Win­dows Sub­system on Linux (WSL) to use the same com­mands and follow a sim­ilar en­vi­ron­ment setup.


After a couple of years, I was get­ting very com­fort­able in the Ubuntu ter­minal. I was using CSS, HTML, JS, and Python at school and at work. At the time, I was com­muting to Chicago on the train, and the Alien­ware was big, heavy, and had poor bat­tery life.

In a stroke of luck, my sister gifted me her Dell XPS13 when the key­board stopped working. I re­placed the key­board module for $35, up­graded the hard-drive (128GB → 256GB), and— more re­cently— re­placed the bat­tery. This laptop is still my daily carry.

After much en­cour­age­ment from my friends in tech, I de­cided to dual-boot Ubuntu. A full Linux distro takes in­ter­faces with the lap­top's hard­ware in a way that WSL cannot (at least, not at the time of writing).

I was loving Ubuntu 18.04; but since the little laptop wasn't quite pow­erful enough to run all the soft­ware that I'd been using on Win­dows, I re­ally had no reason to keep Win­dows. So, I quickly went from dual-boot to straight Linux.

WSL had been serving me faith­fully, but I was tired of strug­gling with net­working and hard­ware is­sues. Even after up­grading to the latest WSL2 build as a Win­dows In­sider, I was still frus­trated with the hoops and hur­dles of get­ting a working Docker setup or ac­cessing the GPU for ma­chine learning.


More re­cently, I had been fre­quenting the r/​unix­porn sub­reddit. I had done some simple cus­tomiza­tion: down­loaded GTK themes, gnome-tweaks, and given the ter­minal a face-lift with color and vim-plu­gins.

I started to in­ves­ti­gate i3wm and Polybar , in pur­suit of a seam­less ter­minal and to banish those dis­tracting ti­tle­bars from my screen. Even­tu­ally, I set­tled on a set of config files that I was pretty proud of:

Windows arranged with i3 (window manager) and a custom polybar.
Windows arranged with i3 (window manager) and a custom polybar.

Re­sources and dot­files for set­ting up your Ubuntu en­vi­ron­ment with Tmux, Vim, polybar and the i3 window tiling man­ager are avail­able in my Knowl­edge Base.


My system was run­ning so won­der­fully... I had a polybar to envy, I was be­gin­ning to commit my i3 short­cuts to memory— and then some­thing broke. When you're working in the ter­minal, small mis­takes can be cat­a­strophic.

This time, I couldn't pin-point what I'd done wrong; but I de­cided to take this op­por­tu­nity to backup my files (while I still could!) and test out Re­golith Linux — a pre­con­fig­ured Ubuntu+i3wm Linux distro that I'd been eye­balling with great in­terest.

I'm so glad that I did! The Re­golith build in­stalls from a USB just like a typ­ical Ubuntu image. How­ever, Re­golith. I was dis­ap­pointed that all of the time and ef­fort I'd spent set­ting up volume and net­work UI blocks for my sys­tem's sta­tusbar went down the drain; but, Re­golith does it for you— and does it well:

This polybar setup is the default provided by the Regolith distro. Not a bad RICE for defaults!
This polybar setup is the default provided by the Regolith distro. Not a bad RICE for defaults!


I took my sweet time ex­ploring Ubuntu be­fore cut­ting ties with Win­dows; but I wish I'd lis­tened to my friend's ad­vice and made the switch years ago! I still have WSL2 on a Win­dows 10 laptop at work (for 3D mod­eling and ren­dering); but I've even in­stalled the Re­golith desktop on that ma­chine using VcXsrv !

It was a little tricky, and Re­golith doesn't make it ob­vious, but you can man­u­ally start the desktop GUI by starting xlaunch.exe, moving your re­golith config files to the ap­pro­priate /root folders, ex­porting the cor­rect $DIS­PLAY vari­able, and then run­ning:

sudo i3-gnome-flashback-session

If you're an ex­pe­ri­enced pro­grammer, I en­courage you to checkout Re­golith; or, if you're like me, take it slow and start by diving into WSL. Good luck and happy coding!

update — 07/17/2020

If you don't want to leave the gnome shell— but want all the con­ve­nience and ef­fi­ciency of i3— checkout Pop Shell . I haven't used it yet... How­ever, from what I've gath­ered, it lets you keep some classic Gnome fea­tures (like the ap­pli­ca­tion bar and window-ex­poser) while giving you the beau­tiful tiled screen that i3 pro­vides.

update — 02/04/2020

I ended up writing a full post about get­ting WSL2 in­stalled with Re­golith Linux.